Seaweed Research
Seaweed and Climate Change
A Case for Seaweed Aquaculture Inclusion in U.S. Nutrient Pollution Management
July 2021
Blue Growth Potential to Mitigate Climate Change through Seaweed Offsetting
23 September 2019
Can Seaweed Farming Play a Role in Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation?
12 April 2017
The hype, fantasies and realities of aquaculture development globally and in its new geographies
June 2021
Evaluation of nutrient bioextraction by seaweed and shellfish aquaculture in Korea
3 March 2021
World Aquaculture SocietyOpportunities for blue carbon strategies in China
29 April 2020
Seaweed 'forests' can help fight climate change
29 August 2019
Sustainable Seaweed Biotechnology Solutions for Carbon Capture, Composition, and Deconstruction
November 2020
Seaweed and Ocean Systems
An Ecosystem Approach to the Culture of Seaweed
July 2019
Environmental impact of kelp (Saccharina latissima) aquaculture
June 2020
Habitat value of bivalve shellfish and seaweed aquaculture for fish and invertebrates: Pathways, synthesis and next steps
25 June 2021
Kelp Forest Restoration in Australia
14 February 2020
Cultivating Seaweed
Technical Challenges for Offshore Cultivation of Kelp Species: Lessons Learned and Future Directions
The Evolution Road of Seaweed Aquaculture: Cultivation Technologies and the Industry 4.0
8 September 2020
An Ecosystem Approach to Kelp Aquaculture in the Americas and Europe
November 2019
Kelp Farming Manual: A Guide to the Processes, Techniques, and Equipment for Farming Kelp in New England Waters
Passive remote sensing technology for mapping bull kelp (Nereocystis luetkeana): A review of techniques and regional case study
August 2019
Seaweed cultivation manual
Sustainable Large-Scale Aquaculture of the Northern Hemisphere Sea Lettuce, Ulva fenestrata, in an Off-Shore Seafarm
3 June 2021
Using Seaweed
A Comprehensive Review of the Nutraceutical and Therapeutic Applications of Red Seaweeds (Rhodophyta)
26 February 2020
An overview of marine macroalgae as bioresource
31 March 2018
Biorefinery of marine macroalgae into high-tech bioproducts: a review
17 October 2020
The cultivation of European kelp for bioenergy: Site and species selection
5 June 2015
Diverse applications of marine macroalgae
Expression analysis of potential transcript and protein markers that are related to agar yield and gel strength in Gracilaria changii (Rhodophyta)
August 2019
The Global Status of Seaweed Production, Trade and Utilization - Volume 124, 2018
Hidden Champion of the Ocean. Seaweed as a Growth Engine for a Sustainable European Future
Importance of Seaweeds and Extractive Species in Global Aquaculture Production
17 September 2020
Macroalgae - A Sustainable Source of Chemical Compounds with Biological Activities
11 October 2020
Macroalgae as a Source of Valuable Antimicrobial Compounds: Extraction and Applications
25 September 2020
Metabolites from Macroalgae and Its Applications in the Cosmetic Industry: A Circular Economy Approach
24 August 2020